Large Touchscreen Computing is no longer a Sci-fi nor a Fantasy We bring it LIVE to Businesses
Bringing the Best Possible Human

Group ProductivityPutting the human factor back into technology, allowing people to work together naturally the way they want to.
Our suite of group productivity apps bridges the current digital divide across globally distributed platforms with improved collaboration and increased productivity
MTboard : Advanced IWB Application
Realboard : Real-Time Collaboration
Meeting Wall : Productive Meeting Solution

Digital Signage
Interactive Displayshe mere display of content according to a pre-defined play over digital signage is not creating a relationship with the consumer
Our Interactive digital signage apps not just captivates attention but forefronts as customer-facing technology for purchases, Explore your content, Team made about your business, Increasing our usability
Digital Signage and Electronic Shelf Labels Consumer Product Introduction Displays Intelligent Way Finder Fun Studio

Health Care
Interactive Medical VisualizationIn time critical medical environments, the challenge today is that the vital and relevant data is split up between different work stations and proprietary visualization equipment.
Our apps with multi user interaction (both visual and images) facilitate, triage and diagnosis across medical environments) bringing an important contribution to collaborative medical work
DocStation : @ Doctor’s Room HealthBoard : @ Patient’s Room EmStation: @ Operation Theatre HI Wall: @ Lobby Meeting Space: @ Conference Room

Machine assisted interactive learningFarmers face First Hand Computing Difficulties to access relevant information of the required quality.. has assumed importance w.r.t present Agricultural challenges.
Our smart agri apps open up the possibilities of computer based knowing with zero learning, circumvents language barrier and at the same time facilitates appropriate collaboration
Our solutions bring the best possible human interaction with the technology overcoming the first hand computing difficulties by the expert and end users
Former One Stop Shop Former Knowledge KIOSK AgriBook

Public Services
Zero-Learning Curve SolutionsThe key challenge remains bringing personalization to public displays like user type identification, profile content and socialization aspects like networking.
We offer a range of personalized, collaborative and context-sensitive applications that along with interactivity engages users with a zero learning curve..
On Demand Informational Needs Expert Guidance & Assistance Educating New Practices Pathway Finder Virtual Tours

Multi-user collaborative visualizationThe radical changes in the amount of information on maps and the ways in which it is presented require all together new kind of interactions.
Our apps circumvents the first hand computing difficulties to subject experts and allow multiple expert users for rapid knowledge through querying, visualizing and discovery
GIS Conferencing Decision Support System Real Time Governance

Coming UP

SDK for quick & rapid development of apps for both developer community & in-house.
A Market Place
First of its kind multitouch marketplace for customers & manufacturers.

Touch Store
App Distribution Platform to deliver our Ready to Use apps.

An Eco System
Get everything & anything about Multitouch technology updates, trends, interviews, surveys, reviews etc.


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+91 91771 77777
+91 9642 442424
Land Line
+91 40 2354 9111
+91 40 2354 9222

NextGen Multitouch Pvt. Ltd.
8-2-293/82/A/310, Road no. 25 Jubilee Hills
(Near Obul Reddy Public School)
Hyderabad - 500033 Telangana, India.
We are available : Monday to Friday, 09:00am - 06:00pm